Caring for the Orphans
One of Spero Worldwide’s important missions is to help those in Cambodia in need of education, health and shelter. Together, we have installed ten water purification systems, four fish ponds, and purchased more than 600 meals to help feed the children. We have assisted in building five orphanages and contributed more than 200 bunk beds. Proper care is important to us, so we have sponsored three conferences for all staff to learn about ways to improve care of orphanages, as well as paid for repairs at fifteen different orphanages. We have purchased a 200 acre farm to help orphanages become self-sufficient, as well as supplied cows, goats, and other items needed to run the farm. We have also built a school for Cambodian, Vietnamese, and other children in need. For the past three years, we have provided over 500 kids with presents each Christmas.